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Giveaway!! Karity Highlight Palette

Giveaway!! Karity Highlight Palette

As many of you may know, I am somewhat of a makeup hoarder.  Though this addiction does placate the beauty junkie inside of me, the makeup tends to just pile up and collect dust.  I recently looked at all the makeup collecting dust on my dresser, in the bathroom, in the spare room, in my purse(s), etc. and realized I needed to do something about it.  The logical answer would be to just stop buying makeup (especially since I am beginning to make my own now) but who needs logic? So I decided I would start giving some things away (so I can buy more of course).


So to start things off I will be giving away my Karity Highlighter Palette. It comes with 4 large highlighter pans.  The colors range from a bronze to a light ivory gold.  It retails for $25.  I can only remember using it twice since I bought it.  So I am giving one of my Jazz Dolls a chance to take it home!

To enter all you have to do is comment on this blog post telling me what product(s) you have purchased from Styled By Jasmine or Jayesse Cosmetics and why you purchased it.  One winner will be chosen on March 26, 2018.  

May the odds be ever in your favor! 




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  • Jasmine Shakieer
Comments 5
  • Dayanara Moreira
    Dayanara Moreira

    My mom purchased some earrings,and gave them to me for my birthday and I loved them!

  • Toya Ebron
    Toya Ebron

    I’ve purchased some earrings, shirts, and glitter eyeshadows. I purchased in support of my great friend but also so I can look fly!

  • Erica Wright
    Erica Wright

    I have purchased tutu’s, bows, bowties and glitter eyeshadow. The tutu’s,bows and bowtie were purchased because I wanted to know that the pictures my little ones would be taking would be just right with the right outfit. The eyeshadow was purchased because I like trying new stuff and of course I have to support my cousin in her business endeavors. I am currently in the process of purchasing more outfits for their photo shoot. Can’t wait to see the finished product!!

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